Safety first as we continue to move forward.
Odense Port is a safe place because we know our rules. It is an ISPS secured and certified area with limited access, a 24-hour manned gate 365 days a year, and constant video monitoring which only allows access for those with legitimate business and valid ID-card access. Responsibility also applies to our customers.
The most current rules regarding access and traffic on Odense Port’s land must always be observed, and it is the customers’ responsibility that their employees and guests comply with all the prevailing safety requirements – both with regard to work and ordinary coming and going at Odense Port. All employees must have a personal identity card. Guests will be issued a guest card upon arrival at the main gate.
See Odense Port’s Health/Safety/Security description
Contact Søren Rask, HSEQ chief – PSO, at sr@odensehavn.dk or +45 6163 4423 and learn more about safety at Odense Port.